Monday, October 27, 2008

this is what i call rambling...

and I do it so well.

is 2008 over yet? I am so done with the year. It started out great. (they always seem too if you ask me) But as the year has gone on it seems to of fizzled out or something. I am ready to move on to the next one.

Also why is it when you seem to hit a fork in the road of your life and you think you take the right turns out you didnt. or it turns out that this fork seems to have alot more forks in it??

Ever feel like you dont understand you dont understand their reasonings....why they do what they do. I swear I could sit here for hours upon hours and try to figure it out. and it frustrates me to no end when I cant seem to get it. I want to get it...but I cant. I need a freakin manual for dummies or something to understand some people.

But 2008 over yet??