I have gone thru a few reactions to this age....happy, sad, denial, acceptance, denial again....why is it 30 is such a huge milestone?? why is it so hard for some people?? For me it seems like a huge mile stone I am crossing. I mean yeah I have done a lot of stuff in the years leading up to 30. Married, have kids, have a house....stuff people normally do....but why is it 30 seems like you are closing an era of your life?? Its like ok your 30 now...you need to grow up and act your age. The 20's are over and done...no more acting like a youngin.
Yeah I'll tell you right now that isnt the way I plan on spending my 30's....ya know acting like an adult. I want to spend it having fun...doing alot of stuff that I wasnt able to get done in my 20's because I couldnt afford it. I want to go to Vegas, I want to go to Disney World, I want to go to New York and see an actual Broadway play. I have stuff I want to do....and plan to do so before I tunr 40!! I've got 10 years...I can do it. Who's with me on this??
OK...Im off to enjoy the last day of my 20's....maybe I should do something totally wild today...like totally unexpected. hmmmmm. lol
So whatcha going to do? Huh Huh huh? I guess if you don't show up to work on Monday I will assume you had too much fun this weekend LOL
I am with you!
Welcome to your 30's. I will be joining you in just under 2 months. Oh, the excitement!
When do we get to go to Vegas?
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