Wednesday, June 25, 2008

planning for nothing

I need a weekend to do nothing. Just sit around and maybe read, or watch DVD's. Get some laundry done. But NOTHING! I am beat. I am tired of playing social planner for people. I am tired of commiting myself to things. I like to do things spur of the moment. I hate to plan things. Because if I plan for something and it doesnt go according to plan I get upset. So that is why I do alot of things on the fly. That way I dont get too upset. It works.

So after the next two weekends I am taking a break. I need me time. If something comes up that I cant turn down I will do it. But I am not planning ANYTHING! I am too worn out from trying to keep everyone else happy. Its time to concentrate on me. :) Im being selfish....I am allowed too every once in a while. Everyone else is.