My friends and I are turning 30 this year. *gasp* *cry*
We all knew it would happen. We all knew it was on the horizon. But now that a core person of my group is actually going to be turning 30 and it is here as in tomorrow here....I am realizing that I am that much closer to 30 myself!
The year of 30 starts tomorrow when my dear bff Monique turns 30. And it will end in November when Mrs F, hits her big 3-0. (with me in September) So lets raise those martini glasses high and keep em full...because girls...we are going to be partying hard this year! (or just heavily drinking together because we are just in complete denial of our age....your
I am actually really excited to be turning 30. I have no idea why. Maybe because it is a nice even number. And maybe because no matter when I turn 30, you all are still going to do it before me. LOLs.
Happy early birthday to Mo. And I see in your sidebar there is a link to, blog??? Must go check it out now.
LOL, I feel your pain! Bottoms Up!!
Turning 30 is great! Trust me. It's 32 that sucks. That's when the denial wears off and you realize the magical 20s are really over. It's cool, though. The trick is to focus on what you have done, not the unrealistic set of expectations you had in your head for what your life would look like at 30 - a set your brain conjured up in high school when you didn't understand how the world worked. You, my dear, are going to hit the big 3-0 with a great job, a great house, a great family, and a whole herd of great friends. You've got nothing but reason to celebrate.
And, just a suggestion, you might want to celebrate that milestone with us in VEGAS, baby, VEGAS!!! No pressure... ;)
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