Wednesday, April 16, 2008

why didnt I watch this show sooner?? why?

what show is that you ask?

Well that show is (well was) Firefly. *sigh* Why oh why did I not watch this sooner? Why oh why was I so against watching it in the first place?? (dont hurt me Michael...because I was!) was birthday time 2005 in my house and we were off at Costco trying to get stuff together for our little shindig that night at the house and Kyle so slyly put it in the cart, (that and world of warcraft...but that's another blog...for another time) and I was like OOOOOOH no...put it back now mister! You can only get ONE thing...that or the game...he chose the game (again that's for a later blog) But he pouted about not being able to get the DVD set the whole way home, that afternoon, la la la...that was until his friend Michael showed up bearing gifts....(yaaay gifts) he had bought Kyle the Firefly dvd's and me Freaks and Geeks (I should watch that again actually...good show!) So Kyle was all excited about getting series that he started watching it the next day. And every night, for the next 4 days or so while I layed in bed trying to sleep telling him to turn that crap off...I need to get up early!! I was SO not a fan of that time it looked lame. He went on to also watch the movie and tell me how good it was and what it was I was missing out on. While in my mind he was starting to sound like the teacher from peanuts....whaaa waaaa waaa....blaaaah blaah blaah.

OK fast forward to uhmmm early 2006, it was a saturday night, I was home (shocking I know!) and I had nothing else to do, nothing was on TV, I was I was like ahhhh screw it...I popped in the first disk of Firefly and from that moment I was HOOKED....I watched the whole first disk that night. I was HOOOOOOOKED. I watched the whole series in like the span of 5 nights. This show rocked. The cast worked so well together. They meshed well. And they had really good lines that one could quote. (I love good quotes!) Then I watched the movie. OH WOW. I remember when I finished watching the movie I was sitting there WIDE eyed going WOW! Did they really just do that? Did I see that?? All the characters I had grown to love in a short lived series...WOW. I actually cried. *sniff* we are 2 years later, and I will still find myself putting in the DVD's at 11am on a saturday when I am not doing much besides laundry and before I know it, it is 5:30pm and the family is yelling at me because they are hungry. It seriously sucks me in each and every time.

It also leaves me asking this question, why must they yank off good tv shows?? They didn't even give this one a chance!! Freakin lame people who think they know "GOOD" tv! Looosers!! yeeesh!


Mrs. F said...

Speaking of TV on DVD...I need to find a few hours of alone time to watch the Sex tapes you let me borrow.

I think I remember you telling me about Firefly. I hate when the good shows get yanked, too. It sucks. My favorite show that ever got yanked was "Dead Like Me". Arg.

Also, go check out my blogger profile. There is a new blog site linked on there. If you can find it, tell me what you think. Also, if you would like to participate. Great!