Thursday, June 5, 2008

I am such a sad sad SAAAAD soul....

*hangs head in shame*

This morning on my way dropping off my youngest child I realized that I had forgotten my "lifeline" at home. (lifeline ='ing my cell phone) I went into almost immediate panic!! I was like NOOOO I cant be with out a cell phone! What if I miss an important text or call?!?! (since I still haven't heard from my friend, where or where can he be?) What if this? or What if that?!?!

I was in panic mode!! So I actually turned around and went back home just to get my cell phone. Something that I really dont need to have to survive. But I needed it. Haaad to have it! I swear this freakin cell phone is like crack to me. Hell it doesnt even do anything cool like Mrs. F's does...I mean her's actually will send your email to your phone!! Could you imagine if I had a phone like that?? Yeeeks!


Mrs. F said...

If you had finished this blog by saying that you indeed are at work sans phone I would text you allll day, just to be funny. (Sorry, but that was my immediate thought)


Nicole said...

do they have a 12 step program for cell phone addicts? LOL