WOOO HOOO! The wait is finally over! Sex and the City comes out tonight! It is like the ultimate girls night out tonight. Especially for the die hard fans....in which...I am one. Anyway...I cant wait.
So on the topic of this big time girly movie of the summer. I was talking to a friend the other day and he was all excited that he was going to get to see Ironman. (also a good movie) I told him that I actually enjoyed the movie and I thought it was good. He then came back with me yea...but there is a catch. I was like why is there a catch for seeing Ironman? Its like the best movie out at the moment! He was like well I talked this girl into going with me to see it....and well...she told me that the only way she'd see it is if I went to see Sex and the City with her.
The minute he said that I seriously rolled over in laughter. AHAHAHA! Mister Macho guy, who pretty much agreed to this deal was because he wanted to get laid, has to see Sex and the City!! In which the week before he was giving me crap about me being excited to see the movie. I was like....HA HA that's karma for you right there! He was like I feel like I sold my soul to Ironman!! I was like doode...you never know...you might actually like Sex and the City. His response....not in a million years...I just want to get laid.
Sometimes I love the male brain....lol
Friday, May 30, 2008
girls nite out with Sex....(and the city)
Posted by Sarah at 9:09 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
her first time camping....
and on the first night there her friend tries to run her over...with her own car!!
True Story!!
OK so this past memorial day weekend I went camping. And I took my life long friend Monique. She had never gone before and I was like you have got to go, its going to be fun!! And of course we had a blast...even tho it RAINED!! Ahh well...there is a first time for everything.
So onto the first night there. We made it up there about 7ish, close to 8 and night. And realized that we didnt have the luxury of having a port-o-potty close to use like we normally did. Ahh well we had a semi-nice one not that far away from us. A 20 minute walk or a 2 minute drive. (or 30 seconds if you were really buzzed) It was all good.
OK so of course camping equals drinking. Duh. So after a few drinks a few of the girls had to go potty....so off we go to the car and drive on over to the bathroom. And on the first way back I noticed a rock in the way of the road. And I said ya know someone should really move that and just kept going. Well we had to go to the bathroom a few (7) more times because well beer and liquor goes thru us. And each time I would say "ya know someone should really move that rock" as I would surve around it. Well on our 8th trip back from the bathroom I say screw it we need to move the rock and I stop and planned on backing up so I could see the damn rock in the headlights. Well idiot drunk Monique thought I meant move it NOW and got out of the car as I put it in reverse and started backing up. (I am laughing as I type this!!) Well she wasnt out of the car all the way and still had the door open. So when I backed up I kinda clothes lined her with her own car and knocked her down on her ass. Her first time ever camping and on the FIRST night she gets knocked over with her own car by her friend. *sigh* We are going to laugh about this for years to come. Makes me kinda wish we still had year books so I could write about this in hers. :p
We didnt drive to the bathrooms anymore after that. We decided to pee in the bushes from then on.
Posted by Sarah at 10:07 AM 2 comments
Labels: camping, memorial day
Friday, May 23, 2008
am I brave enough??
So I am going camping this weekend. It is what we usually do the weekend of memorial day. :) This year however I am trying to see if I am brave enough to actually wear a two piece swim suit. Normally I wear those tankini ones and have no problem. They work fine for me. But a few weeks ago when I was at my in-laws house for a party we decided to get in the spa. The thing was I didnt have a swim suit so I borrowed one from my sis-in-law and it was one of those real two piece bikini types of suits. One of which I havent worn since I was oooooh...uhmmmm 13! Well someone made the comment that it looked really good on me and it was shocking to me. Ya see I hate my stomach. I love my boobs...but hate the tummy...and with wearing a suit like this: you kinda see the tum tum. So when someone said that I looked good...it felt good to hear. So after I heard that I went out and bought myself one. Actually it is the one that is pictured above. I just am not sure if I am brave enough to wear it this weekend. I probably will, but just incase I packed like 2 other suits. lol.
Posted by Sarah at 9:50 AM 1 comments
and here we are at friday...
I love fridays. They are so awesome! After getting up early now for 5 days out of the 7 day week I look forward to sleeping in, staying up late for the next two days and nights. But mostly what I love about fridays is....no one really expects much out of you at work. It has been like this since I have been here. Friday is the day that we pretty much stand around each others desks and b.s. with each other about crap. Sure we try to push out some work. But not as much as we were trying to do yesterday or on tuesday. So some reason those two days are the ones that people work hardest on. Tuesday because you pretty much spent monday in a dazed state and thrusday because you dont want to be stuck at your desk all day on friday. lol.
So on my plate today...not much. Just try to look busy and look purrrty.
Posted by Sarah at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
flash back....1990
I was 12 (ish) years old, so that means I was a pre-teen (tween is what they call em now) and every single teen aged girl wanted to be part of this zip code. 90210.
Posted by Sarah at 4:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Excuse me....that was my lil toe that you so kindly ran over!!!
uhmmmm OUCH!!!
So last night the fam and I went out to the semi local Sams club to do some major grocery shopping. We were making our rounds over by the movies and since the isles seem to be really skinny and can barely fit two of those huge carts down them at one time, I left mine at the end of it and walked down the isle cartless. Well as I was standing there hmmm and haaaa'ing over if I should get PS I love you this rude ass lady got really close to me (note there were no other carts by me and she would have been able to still been able to see the movies not being so close to me!) and she rolled her cart right over my baby toe!!! OK yes...I realize that those carts are HUGE, they you really cant see anything around them. But I am not a skinny person. I am not this waif that you can only see if you hit the right angle or the sun hits me the right way. I can be seen. So one would think that huh...I am a little too close to this lady...maybe I should move a little to the left so I dont hit her. And it wasnt like I had my foot waaaay out in the isle like I was straddleing it. I had it close to me!
So she so kindly ran over my poor baby toe and didnt even look back when I went OUCH THAT HURT!!! :(
Freakin meanie!
Posted by Sarah at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
and here we are back at monday
grooooooooan. lol. Last week sucked arse for me. I was crampy, sick, and had on hell of a migrane. UGH! And the fact that I have had like a total of 4 days off in a row has really screwed with me. Granted I was totally sick Thursday and Friday. But I got use to sleeping pretty much all day, and sleeping in, so having to get up at an ungodly hour this morning sucked!! I have full right to groan.
This week should be pretty light, not much planned except for getting stuff ready for camping and watching all the season finales of TV shows.
Ya konw I really dont get it. I spend all this money to have cable and the DVR and this and that...but the main TV shows I watch are on regular network TV. Why I shovel out so much money a month I wont know. At least I am not paying for all the movie channels that I know I wont watch. I did that once....got ALL of the movie channels on my DirectTV and wanna know what I watched....the Big Brother after Dark. That's it. That was all I watched. I was paying this ungodly amount of money for ALL of the HBO's, Showtimes, Cinemax, Starz, blah blah blah and the only show I watched was that. Yeah...Sarah= IDIOT sometimes. lol.
Posted by Sarah at 8:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
*groan* Monday *big sigh*
easy breezy beautiful....cover girl...
la la la
Have you ever noticed that everyones response to monday is "groaaaaaaaan". Like today passing by someone in the hall at work.
"Hi *blah blah blah* how are you today?"
*deep sigh* *grooooooaaaaan* "it's *heavy sigh* monday"
Come on people! Yes it may be monday...but at least they only happen once a week. Could you imagine how horrible life would be if we had like 5 days straight of Mondays?!?! And goodness gracious...NO FRIDAYS!! It is unheard of.
So live up Mondays, at least they are in the beginning of the week and not at the end. (because if they were at the end of the week we would be signing a different story about mondays huh!?!?! HUH!?!) And realize...it only lasts for 24 hours.
Posted by Sarah at 2:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Its burning a hole in my pocket!
I've got some extra money to spend on myself and it is freakin burning a hole in my pocket. Right now I have this list of stuff that I need to get. I need to get some new pants since I am walking out of the ones I am wearing now, I need some new tops, I need some new shoes, I need to get season 1 of Psych on DVD, I need to get a new book, I need to get.....mainly I totally need to get some new clothes and shoes....the other stuff is just fun stuff that will just happen to fall into the cart when I am at target tonight. oopsie!!
Posted by Sarah at 3:58 PM 0 comments