and I do it so well.
is 2008 over yet? I am so done with the year. It started out great. (they always seem too if you ask me) But as the year has gone on it seems to of fizzled out or something. I am ready to move on to the next one.
Also why is it when you seem to hit a fork in the road of your life and you think you take the right turns out you didnt. or it turns out that this fork seems to have alot more forks in it??
Ever feel like you dont understand you dont understand their reasonings....why they do what they do. I swear I could sit here for hours upon hours and try to figure it out. and it frustrates me to no end when I cant seem to get it. I want to get it...but I cant. I need a freakin manual for dummies or something to understand some people.
But 2008 over yet??
Monday, October 27, 2008
this is what i call rambling...
Posted by Sarah at 10:03 AM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
crap! the time is here!!

I have gone thru a few reactions to this age....happy, sad, denial, acceptance, denial again....why is it 30 is such a huge milestone?? why is it so hard for some people?? For me it seems like a huge mile stone I am crossing. I mean yeah I have done a lot of stuff in the years leading up to 30. Married, have kids, have a house....stuff people normally do....but why is it 30 seems like you are closing an era of your life?? Its like ok your 30 need to grow up and act your age. The 20's are over and more acting like a youngin.
Yeah I'll tell you right now that isnt the way I plan on spending my 30's....ya know acting like an adult. I want to spend it having fun...doing alot of stuff that I wasnt able to get done in my 20's because I couldnt afford it. I want to go to Vegas, I want to go to Disney World, I want to go to New York and see an actual Broadway play. I have stuff I want to do....and plan to do so before I tunr 40!! I've got 10 years...I can do it. Who's with me on this??
OK...Im off to enjoy the last day of my 20's....maybe I should do something totally wild totally unexpected. hmmmmm. lol
Posted by Sarah at 10:03 AM 2 comments
Monday, September 15, 2008
pass me the slacker award!!
because this girl is seriously slackin on here!! Oy! Im sorry blog! Please forgive me. Lemme ponder here....are there any updates....there are some but some I really dont want to have out here in blog land because its personal. And you just have to deal with that.
Now on to fun stuff.
This past friday my friend Mo and I had a "no plans" night. Which technically is a "plan"...but we pretty much went with the flow and didnt really commit to much.... So we started out our night at a local park sippin beer. So hott huh? It was just one can. We figured after the past few weeks we went thru we deserved it. Anyways. From there we decided to go get something to eat. And let me just say whom ever decided to put peanut butter on a hamburger....yeah I will always love you!! The best every!! It sounds disturbing....but oh so good! And then from there we decided to go by a high school football game. (I was doing it for a friend...I swear we dont spend our friday nights going to high school football games trying to re-live old memories...) So we go to the game, get ourselves some cotton candy, and stay for about.....10 minutes...if that. As we stood there in the back of the bleachers and we saw how TINY the kids were on the team and the years that were on the backs of the cheerleaders outfits we realized we were too old for this and promptly left. (Im talkin year of '12!! '12!!! ugh I feel old! Thats like 4 years away from my own 20 year reunion!!!) We then decided to meet up with this guy she had been talking to from myspace. OK....what the heck...they always say that if you are going to meet up with someone from the internet to bring someone along...(words that I didnt listen to 11 years has the internet been around that long!!!!!) So I was going whether I liked it or not. So we get directions and go to pick the guy up. We get there, and he's outside waiting for us. As he is walking up to the car I am like OH MY GOD!! I know you!!! (poor guy he had the look like WTF did I just walk into!?!?) Turns out tho....yup....I knew him!! lol! We actually had gone to elementary school together. Small world....yes!! And at least it was an ice breaker. lol!!
And so....well that was my night friday night. Saturday we spent it watching movies. And sunday watching tv.
OK...I promise I wont slack as much on here. pinky swear.
Posted by Sarah at 8:40 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 8, 2008
summer colds
I hate em. They suck. You arent supposed to be sick in the summer. You arent supposed to have chills and feel like it is freakin freezing out and even tho you have on a ton of layers of clothes on and a blanket on you. NO matter what you do you still feel cold. *sigh* This is how I am feeling today so far. I have on long pants, and a sweatshirt here in my office and yet I still feel cold. I am even chuggin down hot tea to help warm me up. Nothing is helping. I mean I am so cold that my nipples are both hard, so hard that they hurt. I need a hot bath or something. I wonder if I have a fever.....
Posted by Sarah at 9:43 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
high prices and classy places...
yeah SOOO not for me. VIP style...not for me either. Been there, done that. Did not buy the t-shirt.
Why do people feel the need to shell out tons of money for so-called "VIP" service at some club?? What do you get special? A cool place to sit? Free alcohol? Free parking? A tank of gas?? From my experience from the VIP service you get this fancy schmancy place to sit that has this chick who is supposed to bring you your stuff...but that never happens or if it does it takes FOREVER for them to even get to you!! Then you have to pay like $200 for a bottle of hard alcohol. Uhmmm...the last I checked I could go to BevMo and get the same excact bottle for a about 75% less the price you all make one pay for that uber cool VIP service you have.
I guess if the VIP service is for you by all means go for it. It just isnt for me. I just do not fit that scene. I personally rather hit up my local bar, get a pitcher of beer for $7.50 and have myself a good night with laughter and my good friends.
Posted by Sarah at 8:58 AM 2 comments
Friday, July 11, 2008
I am a very friendly person, I tend to have alot of friends. I have different groups of friends. But then I also have my solid friends, the ones that I know will be there no matter what for me. The ones that I know that I can call in the middle of the night when my car breaks down who will pick me up.
But then I also have some friends out there that really arent close to me anymore. And as many times as people tell me stop pondering on what happend. I find myself doing it (pondering) from time to time and I realized...friendships go south, they change, not really because you change, but more because they did, or maybe you both did. Who could be a major combonation of things. But what I have noticed is with some of my lost friendships is that those friends came into my life when I needed them the most. They were like that diamond in the rough. The shining star I needed. The rock that allowed me to lean on them. That extra push that I needed when I needed it. And then just as fast as they came into my life they were gone.
It really hurts my heart sometimes when I think back on friendships lost because I thought that I had a solid friend in some of them. I guess I was wrong. oh well.
Besides...I really wouldnt want to trade in my solid friendships for the flakey ones. We are flakey enough just being us!! lol!
Posted by Sarah at 10:14 AM 0 comments
Thursday, June 26, 2008
random updates...
random#1 -- it is going to cost about $1000 bucks to fix my truck. That is to fix the a/c and the gas gauge. Uhmmm....yeah I have lasted this long with out either, I can deal with it.
random#2 -- i think it is time to retire poor James (my truck) with all the miles he has on him and things wrong with him.
random#3 -- I really want to buy a chevy HHR. They are funky looking, but damn I think they are cute. It has personality. It is actually the first car ever that I actually have a real opinion on getting. I have my mind set on it.
random#4 -- We want to buy another house after we get our credit back in order.
random#5 -- as much as I want to go to the party on saturday and camping next week. I at the same time really dont. I am getting worn out and am about to snap.
random#6 -- i really need to get to working on my "100 things about me" post. Do you know how hard it is to come up with 100 things about yourself?? its hard!
Posted by Sarah at 10:55 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
planning for nothing
I need a weekend to do nothing. Just sit around and maybe read, or watch DVD's. Get some laundry done. But NOTHING! I am beat. I am tired of playing social planner for people. I am tired of commiting myself to things. I like to do things spur of the moment. I hate to plan things. Because if I plan for something and it doesnt go according to plan I get upset. So that is why I do alot of things on the fly. That way I dont get too upset. It works.
So after the next two weekends I am taking a break. I need me time. If something comes up that I cant turn down I will do it. But I am not planning ANYTHING! I am too worn out from trying to keep everyone else happy. Its time to concentrate on me. :) Im being selfish....I am allowed too every once in a while. Everyone else is.
Posted by Sarah at 9:59 AM 0 comments
Monday, June 23, 2008
back at work...
and not much to say. lol. well i have lots to say...but really dont want to put some of it out here on my blog. It just wouldnt be right.
Anyways...went to disneyland, had a blast. Rode the rides, sang the songs, played with the characters and then came home. I am still trying to recover...but that is mostly because once I got home I have been on the go. I seriously need a vacation just to do nothing. I am getting tired of playing social butterfly. I need some ME time and not have to worry about everyone else. This is starting to wear on me....but ya know what...thats a whole nother post for another day.....
Posted by Sarah at 9:18 AM 1 comments
Thursday, June 12, 2008
what I wanted to say....
but just couldnt get it out there as well as he could. I am sending you to my friend Mike's page. I love his writing. So awesome, I get sucked in. So get yourself a snack, something to drink and read on....
Posted by Sarah at 10:48 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
stoopid NBA refs!!
Back was round 3 in the west coast NBA finals, it was game 6, if we had won this game we would have gone to the actual championship (and probably would have won!!) But the calls were just wrong!! WRONG WRONG WRONG!! The refs were all in favor of the beloved "Lakers" instead of the underdawg "Kings". But they stood by their factor that they had called the game fairly. Fair?!?! Yeah fair as my fat white ass!! That game was call all in favor of those damn Lakers!! Here is a news story from after that game.
I still get upset to this day. It wasnt fair. Then yesterday....this news story came out:
Ahhh wha?? Squeeze me baking powder?!?! You mean it actually WAS rigged?!?! You mean all this time of me (and a whole lotta other Kings fans) saying that that game was rigged and not called right is actually true?!?! The reffs were actually crooked jerks!! Its about freakin time!! I really wish that we could rewind time and go back to that game knowing what we do today with how crooked they were and see who wins. Plus I miss my team from back then. *sigh* The bench mob, Webber, Bibby, Valde, Peja!! I miss them.
Also it figures the only reason he would even admit to that is to try and get a lighter jail sentence after he admitted to gambling on basketball games. Freakin lame ass idiot!
Posted by Sarah at 10:40 AM 2 comments
Monday, June 9, 2008
and then it was single digits...
the count down is ON. 6 more days!! 6 more LOOOONG (hopefully they will go fast) days til we will be in disneyland!!
This is going to be a big ol family vacation too. My family of 4, my sisters family of 4 and then my parents, a total of 10 of us! And the best part husband is getting excited about it!! I told him today that I was thinking about getting on the road at about 5ish for our trip...he was like NO! It is tradition for us to leave way early so we can get the WHOLE day at the parks. We cant break tradition!!! (it was kinda cute, i could alsmost hear him stomping his
Lets hope this week goes by fast!!
Posted by Sarah at 10:33 AM 3 comments
Friday, June 6, 2008
I want to spork the eyes out...
of the people who tYpe LIkE tHIs!!
Seriously!! Why do they find the need to type like that? Do they think they are cool? Do they think they are showin off their mad gamer speak with typing like that?? Uhm...the last time I checked gamer speak is where you add any kind of symbol to the for example Sarah would be $ar@h. I know I am not the greatest with my grammar....I will drop off a ' here and there when I type out dont and wont and stuff. But to me that is not as bad as TYpinG liKe tHIs.
Gaaaah!! You are freakin 33 years old...start typing like it!!
Posted by Sarah at 12:59 PM 0 comments
Labels: vent
Thursday, June 5, 2008
a free weekend....what's that??
I have not had a "free" weekend since April. Seriously. I am worn out!!
It started in May:
- 2nd ~ a coworkers suprise birthday party
- 3rd ~ nieces birthday party in the AM
- 3rd ~ cinco de mayo party with the inlaws in the PM
- 4th ~ nephews birthday party in the AM
- 4th ~ a friends birthday dinner in the PM
- 11th ~ mothers day
- 17th ~ bunko
- 23-26th ~ camping
- 30th ~ sex and the city movie and dinner outing
- 31th ~ friends birthday dinner and game night
now on to June:
- 1st ~ Mrs. F's oldests birthday party
- 6th(tomorrow) ~ friends birthday outting to the bar
- 7th(saturday) ~ adult toy party
- 14th ~ get rental car and bunko
- 15th ~ leave for disneyland
- 21st ~ bossman's birthday outting
- 22nd~ other nephews birthday party
I think my next free weekend isnt until the end of this month!! And even then that could be changed between now and then.
Uhmmm calgon take me away.....Please?!?!
Posted by Sarah at 4:02 PM 3 comments
Labels: busy busy busy
an update to my previous entry...
who knew that my crack cell phone addiction would pay off. lol.
I guess the fact that I actually turned around to go back home this morning to get my crack cell phone when I was already half way to my mom's house paid off.
I don't know why but for some reason I had this gut feeling that I was going to get an important phone call today. So I needed to have it just in case....I figured my gut was gut is always wrong, but you can never know.
Well my gut was actually right today. I did get an important phone call. It was pretty ironic too. I had just deleted my friends phone number from my phone because it was disconnected. *sigh* And I figured I wouldn't be hearing from him anytime soon. So right after I deleted the number and set the phone down on my desk I got an incomming phone call from a "private" number, and knowing that my parents have their number blocked I thought it was them. I answered it, and the person on the other line wasnt either of my was my dear friend who's phone number I just deleted!! Uhmmm...ironic much?? lol!
Posted by Sarah at 10:57 AM 1 comments
I am such a sad sad SAAAAD soul....
*hangs head in shame*
This morning on my way dropping off my youngest child I realized that I had forgotten my "lifeline" at home. (lifeline ='ing my cell phone) I went into almost immediate panic!! I was like NOOOO I cant be with out a cell phone! What if I miss an important text or call?!?! (since I still haven't heard from my friend, where or where can he be?) What if this? or What if that?!?!
I was in panic mode!! So I actually turned around and went back home just to get my cell phone. Something that I really dont need to have to survive. But I needed it. Haaad to have it! I swear this freakin cell phone is like crack to me. Hell it doesnt even do anything cool like Mrs. F's does...I mean her's actually will send your email to your phone!! Could you imagine if I had a phone like that?? Yeeeks!
Posted by Sarah at 8:51 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Stalk much?
I feel like such a stalker!! Why must they make stuff on the internet so easy to find? I mean seriously! Did you know that you can find out how much your old house sold, or if someone is in jail...
yeah....if a lot of time goes by and I havent heard from one of my dear friends I am up over on checkin to see if his ass is in jail. *sigh* It makes me feel like such a stalker!! I am so bad. Oh and if he is in fact in jail...I will check the damn site daily to see if anything new has happend, like was he moved, was his release date pushed up, pushed back...blah blah blah.
I wonder if they offer a 12 step program on how to stop being a stalker....
Posted by Sarah at 4:21 PM 3 comments
Friday, May 30, 2008
girls nite out with Sex....(and the city)
WOOO HOOO! The wait is finally over! Sex and the City comes out tonight! It is like the ultimate girls night out tonight. Especially for the die hard which...I am one. Anyway...I cant wait.
So on the topic of this big time girly movie of the summer. I was talking to a friend the other day and he was all excited that he was going to get to see Ironman. (also a good movie) I told him that I actually enjoyed the movie and I thought it was good. He then came back with me yea...but there is a catch. I was like why is there a catch for seeing Ironman? Its like the best movie out at the moment! He was like well I talked this girl into going with me to see it....and well...she told me that the only way she'd see it is if I went to see Sex and the City with her.
The minute he said that I seriously rolled over in laughter. AHAHAHA! Mister Macho guy, who pretty much agreed to this deal was because he wanted to get laid, has to see Sex and the City!! In which the week before he was giving me crap about me being excited to see the movie. I was like....HA HA that's karma for you right there! He was like I feel like I sold my soul to Ironman!! I was like never might actually like Sex and the City. His response....not in a million years...I just want to get laid.
Sometimes I love the male
Posted by Sarah at 9:09 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
her first time camping....
and on the first night there her friend tries to run her over...with her own car!!
True Story!!
OK so this past memorial day weekend I went camping. And I took my life long friend Monique. She had never gone before and I was like you have got to go, its going to be fun!! And of course we had a blast...even tho it RAINED!! Ahh well...there is a first time for everything.
So onto the first night there. We made it up there about 7ish, close to 8 and night. And realized that we didnt have the luxury of having a port-o-potty close to use like we normally did. Ahh well we had a semi-nice one not that far away from us. A 20 minute walk or a 2 minute drive. (or 30 seconds if you were really buzzed) It was all good.
OK so of course camping equals drinking. Duh. So after a few drinks a few of the girls had to go off we go to the car and drive on over to the bathroom. And on the first way back I noticed a rock in the way of the road. And I said ya know someone should really move that and just kept going. Well we had to go to the bathroom a few (7) more times because well beer and liquor goes thru us. And each time I would say "ya know someone should really move that rock" as I would surve around it. Well on our 8th trip back from the bathroom I say screw it we need to move the rock and I stop and planned on backing up so I could see the damn rock in the headlights. Well idiot drunk Monique thought I meant move it NOW and got out of the car as I put it in reverse and started backing up. (I am laughing as I type this!!) Well she wasnt out of the car all the way and still had the door open. So when I backed up I kinda clothes lined her with her own car and knocked her down on her ass. Her first time ever camping and on the FIRST night she gets knocked over with her own car by her friend. *sigh* We are going to laugh about this for years to come. Makes me kinda wish we still had year books so I could write about this in hers. :p
We didnt drive to the bathrooms anymore after that. We decided to pee in the bushes from then on.
Posted by Sarah at 10:07 AM 2 comments
Labels: camping, memorial day
Friday, May 23, 2008
am I brave enough??
So I am going camping this weekend. It is what we usually do the weekend of memorial day. :) This year however I am trying to see if I am brave enough to actually wear a two piece swim suit. Normally I wear those tankini ones and have no problem. They work fine for me. But a few weeks ago when I was at my in-laws house for a party we decided to get in the spa. The thing was I didnt have a swim suit so I borrowed one from my sis-in-law and it was one of those real two piece bikini types of suits. One of which I havent worn since I was oooooh...uhmmmm 13! Well someone made the comment that it looked really good on me and it was shocking to me. Ya see I hate my stomach. I love my boobs...but hate the tummy...and with wearing a suit like this: you kinda see the tum tum. So when someone said that I looked felt good to hear. So after I heard that I went out and bought myself one. Actually it is the one that is pictured above. I just am not sure if I am brave enough to wear it this weekend. I probably will, but just incase I packed like 2 other suits. lol.
Posted by Sarah at 9:50 AM 1 comments
and here we are at friday...
I love fridays. They are so awesome! After getting up early now for 5 days out of the 7 day week I look forward to sleeping in, staying up late for the next two days and nights. But mostly what I love about fridays one really expects much out of you at work. It has been like this since I have been here. Friday is the day that we pretty much stand around each others desks and b.s. with each other about crap. Sure we try to push out some work. But not as much as we were trying to do yesterday or on tuesday. So some reason those two days are the ones that people work hardest on. Tuesday because you pretty much spent monday in a dazed state and thrusday because you dont want to be stuck at your desk all day on friday. lol.
So on my plate today...not much. Just try to look busy and look purrrty.
Posted by Sarah at 8:59 AM 1 comments
Thursday, May 22, 2008
flash back....1990
I was 12 (ish) years old, so that means I was a pre-teen (tween is what they call em now) and every single teen aged girl wanted to be part of this zip code. 90210.
Posted by Sarah at 4:05 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Excuse me....that was my lil toe that you so kindly ran over!!!
uhmmmm OUCH!!!
So last night the fam and I went out to the semi local Sams club to do some major grocery shopping. We were making our rounds over by the movies and since the isles seem to be really skinny and can barely fit two of those huge carts down them at one time, I left mine at the end of it and walked down the isle cartless. Well as I was standing there hmmm and haaaa'ing over if I should get PS I love you this rude ass lady got really close to me (note there were no other carts by me and she would have been able to still been able to see the movies not being so close to me!) and she rolled her cart right over my baby toe!!! OK yes...I realize that those carts are HUGE, they you really cant see anything around them. But I am not a skinny person. I am not this waif that you can only see if you hit the right angle or the sun hits me the right way. I can be seen. So one would think that huh...I am a little too close to this lady...maybe I should move a little to the left so I dont hit her. And it wasnt like I had my foot waaaay out in the isle like I was straddleing it. I had it close to me!
So she so kindly ran over my poor baby toe and didnt even look back when I went OUCH THAT HURT!!! :(
Freakin meanie!
Posted by Sarah at 8:15 AM 2 comments
Monday, May 19, 2008
and here we are back at monday
grooooooooan. lol. Last week sucked arse for me. I was crampy, sick, and had on hell of a migrane. UGH! And the fact that I have had like a total of 4 days off in a row has really screwed with me. Granted I was totally sick Thursday and Friday. But I got use to sleeping pretty much all day, and sleeping in, so having to get up at an ungodly hour this morning sucked!! I have full right to groan.
This week should be pretty light, not much planned except for getting stuff ready for camping and watching all the season finales of TV shows.
Ya konw I really dont get it. I spend all this money to have cable and the DVR and this and that...but the main TV shows I watch are on regular network TV. Why I shovel out so much money a month I wont know. At least I am not paying for all the movie channels that I know I wont watch. I did that ALL of the movie channels on my DirectTV and wanna know what I watched....the Big Brother after Dark. That's it. That was all I watched. I was paying this ungodly amount of money for ALL of the HBO's, Showtimes, Cinemax, Starz, blah blah blah and the only show I watched was that. Yeah...Sarah= IDIOT sometimes. lol.
Posted by Sarah at 8:21 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 12, 2008
*groan* Monday *big sigh*
easy breezy beautiful....cover girl...
la la la
Have you ever noticed that everyones response to monday is "groaaaaaaaan". Like today passing by someone in the hall at work.
"Hi *blah blah blah* how are you today?"
*deep sigh* *grooooooaaaaan* "it's *heavy sigh* monday"
Come on people! Yes it may be monday...but at least they only happen once a week. Could you imagine how horrible life would be if we had like 5 days straight of Mondays?!?! And goodness gracious...NO FRIDAYS!! It is unheard of.
So live up Mondays, at least they are in the beginning of the week and not at the end. (because if they were at the end of the week we would be signing a different story about mondays huh!?!?! HUH!?!) And only lasts for 24 hours.
Posted by Sarah at 2:28 PM 1 comments
Monday, May 5, 2008
Its burning a hole in my pocket!
I've got some extra money to spend on myself and it is freakin burning a hole in my pocket. Right now I have this list of stuff that I need to get. I need to get some new pants since I am walking out of the ones I am wearing now, I need some new tops, I need some new shoes, I need to get season 1 of Psych on DVD, I need to get a new book, I need to get.....mainly I totally need to get some new clothes and shoes....the other stuff is just fun stuff that will just happen to fall into the cart when I am at target tonight. oopsie!!
Posted by Sarah at 3:58 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 28, 2008
7 weeks!!
I think I should start a countdown here. lol. I've got 7 weeks til my whole family and I go down south to visit the big mouse. :) And by whole family...I mean my 4, my sisters 4 and my parents. so there will be 10 of us down there...for a full week...thank goodness we are all not in the same hotel room...oh I think we would all kill each other. do not get me wrong, I love my family and all, but I have been out of their house since I was 19. My routine is different than theirs. lol.
But yeah...a full family vacation. We were supposed to be celebrating my dad's retirement, but that has been pushed back a few months. But we are still going down. I havent been down to my home away from home since August of 2006, and that was just Kyle and I. The boys haven't been down there since 2005. Sooooo the big bonus here is that Alex is now tall enough to ride most of the rides so we all get to ride the rides, none of this one parent wait with the smaller one while the other parent gets to ride with the oldest, then you swap and the other gets to wait while the one who waited the first round rides...while the oldest gets to ride a row...with out even having to wait...its a good idea...but I am strange and I like to do things all together as a family. (plus riding buzz ight-ear 5 times in a row while waiting for daddy and the oldest to go on space mountain just got borring)
So yeah...come fathers day we will be down in the happiest place on earth...let the count down begin baby!!
Posted by Sarah at 11:12 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Its a fault...
I will always no matter what look for the best in people. Even if the evidence proves that you are a completely and fully at fault I will always, NO matter what, try to see the best in you.
It is one of the biggest faults I have. Sometimes it will screw me over. But sometimes it makes me feel good because I know that I am that silver lining is someones life. That one person, no matter how or what you do to screw your life up, that will always stay true to you and our friendship. Unless you somehow screw me over personally I will have no judgements on you.
People live life...sometimes they dont play the game right and get in a mess of trouble. And when you already know personally that you screwed up you really dont want people to point that out to you every step of the way. Sometimes you just need someone to see the best of you. And most of the time that person is me. And maybe that is what my meaning is in life to some people. *shrug*
Posted by Sarah at 10:35 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 21, 2008
I so suck.
It was my dear friends big birthday bash over the weekend. It was a blast...from what I remember. A while ago Monique told me that it was my "best friend" duty to get completely drunk with her on her birthday. (and yet I told myself I wasnt going to drink that much....ahahahaha...yea that didnt go over well) I was also told that I was in charge of taking pictures. I think I got uhmmmm....maybe 8 pictures from that night. But some how some way thru out the night I lost the batteries to my actual camera wasnt completely my fault that I didnt get all of the pictures I wanted to get. I just couldnt because cameras do not work with out the batteries. Ahh least we have drunken memories.
I do think I am done drinking for a LOOOOONG while tho. Well...just no more shots for me. I am sticking to beer for awhile now and I need to learn how to sip the beer too.
Posted by Sarah at 10:25 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
a realization
I suffer from Nomophila. Meaning the fear of being mobile-less. it. It is an actual real fear.
In my normal day I wake up, check my cell to see if I have any missed phone calls, texts or whatever. (most of the time I dont have either, but I have to check it!) Then while at work I have to have my phone with me, at all times. It sits next to me. I check it constantly to see if there are any new text messages or anything. (sometimes I do...lately I havent but that is becuase the main person who texts me is not availble at the moment...*sigh*) Then at home while doing things around the house I have it on vibrate and have it shoved into my bra...just in case. This whole process repeats itself each and every day.
However there is a rare chance where I will forget my cell phone, and more times than I would like to admit too I have actually turned around and gone back home to get my phone so I could have it with me.
I seriously do remember the time when we didn't have cell phones. I remember when people were "cool" when they had pagers and you were freakin rich when you had a cell phone the size of a small dog. lol.
So yeah...I realized today that they do have a name for my fear. yay. thanks google!!
Posted by Sarah at 1:37 PM 4 comments
and so it begins....
My friends and I are turning 30 this year. *gasp* *cry*
We all knew it would happen. We all knew it was on the horizon. But now that a core person of my group is actually going to be turning 30 and it is here as in tomorrow here....I am realizing that I am that much closer to 30 myself!
The year of 30 starts tomorrow when my dear bff Monique turns 30. And it will end in November when Mrs F, hits her big 3-0. (with me in September) So lets raise those martini glasses high and keep em full...because girls...we are going to be partying hard this year! (or just heavily drinking together because we are just in complete denial of our age....your
Posted by Sarah at 7:58 AM 3 comments
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
why didnt I watch this show sooner?? why?
what show is that you ask?
Well that show is (well was) Firefly. *sigh* Why oh why did I not watch this sooner? Why oh why was I so against watching it in the first place?? (dont hurt me Michael...because I was!) was birthday time 2005 in my house and we were off at Costco trying to get stuff together for our little shindig that night at the house and Kyle so slyly put it in the cart, (that and world of warcraft...but that's another blog...for another time) and I was like OOOOOOH no...put it back now mister! You can only get ONE thing...that or the game...he chose the game (again that's for a later blog) But he pouted about not being able to get the DVD set the whole way home, that afternoon, la la la...that was until his friend Michael showed up bearing gifts....(yaaay gifts) he had bought Kyle the Firefly dvd's and me Freaks and Geeks (I should watch that again actually...good show!) So Kyle was all excited about getting series that he started watching it the next day. And every night, for the next 4 days or so while I layed in bed trying to sleep telling him to turn that crap off...I need to get up early!! I was SO not a fan of that time it looked lame. He went on to also watch the movie and tell me how good it was and what it was I was missing out on. While in my mind he was starting to sound like the teacher from peanuts....whaaa waaaa waaa....blaaaah blaah blaah.
OK fast forward to uhmmm early 2006, it was a saturday night, I was home (shocking I know!) and I had nothing else to do, nothing was on TV, I was I was like ahhhh screw it...I popped in the first disk of Firefly and from that moment I was HOOKED....I watched the whole first disk that night. I was HOOOOOOOKED. I watched the whole series in like the span of 5 nights. This show rocked. The cast worked so well together. They meshed well. And they had really good lines that one could quote. (I love good quotes!) Then I watched the movie. OH WOW. I remember when I finished watching the movie I was sitting there WIDE eyed going WOW! Did they really just do that? Did I see that?? All the characters I had grown to love in a short lived series...WOW. I actually cried. *sniff* we are 2 years later, and I will still find myself putting in the DVD's at 11am on a saturday when I am not doing much besides laundry and before I know it, it is 5:30pm and the family is yelling at me because they are hungry. It seriously sucks me in each and every time.
It also leaves me asking this question, why must they yank off good tv shows?? They didn't even give this one a chance!! Freakin lame people who think they know "GOOD" tv! Looosers!! yeeesh!
Posted by Sarah at 3:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
my first big paycheck
and what did I buy?? why a brand new pair of Doc martins thats what!!! (hey it was still the 90's and they were cool then!!) And I finally had a HUGE paycheck rollin in, I still lived at home and figured I earned them.
Ya see I got this job here (where I still to this very day the same building...not far from where I first worked) and I was just barely 19, I had spent the last 2 years working for McDonalds barely bringing in $5 an hour (and that was barely over minimum wage!) when opportunity knocked....and knocked HARD! My dad (he works here too...) causually asked someone how his daughter would go about getting a job here, she said she'd get back to him, and she did, she said have your daughter go down tomorrow, sign the paper work and she starts monday. *blink* Ahhh whaaa?? WOW! A real job. Well somewhat. I started out working 4 hours a night, only bringing in $9.50 an hour. But ya know what...that was hell of a lot more than what McDs was bringin in for me. But since I was working nights I figured I'd still work mornings at McDs. That way I had a paycheck still every other week. Ya see...this here place would only pay monthly because I was working for the "school" and they got paid on the 1st. I was (and still am) horrible with saving money so I needed the extra to get me by. So when that first paycheck came in, in all of its glory of $600 I felt rich!! I felt loaded!! So what did I do?? I grabbed my then boyfriend and we went shopping. New doc martins, a new stero for my car and a day trip to San Francisco...and *poof* there went that money. (see told you bad with saving money)
However my then boss liked my work so much that she offered me to go full time instead of part time so I then quit McDs (rudely too...the boss was a bitch, she deserved it!...They were cutting my hours for NO reason!!) and started working happily (...wait it wasnt happily til 2004 when I came down la la) full time.
Maybe sometime soon I will write about the fun things my coworkers and I do....there's lots.
Posted by Sarah at 4:12 PM 2 comments
Labels: work
I love socks!! OMG do I love socks. And none of those plain white socks either. Every freakin holiday I like to get a new pair, however if I see a really cute pair that has nothing to do with a holiday but if it has like martini glasses on it, or something else that sparks my interest I buy em. It is like i am obsessed. I walk by them and go "ooooh lookeeeeeee!!" and somehow they will end up in the basket. I have no control. I have christmas socks, valentines day socks, easter socks, halloween socks. And if I buy a pair early...and end up back at like target before the holiday hits...I will buy more because they will have new ones out!
What is really bad is now I feel borring when I wear plain white ones. I mean its not like anyone really sees the funky socks because I normally wear boots, but it makes me fell all funky cool when I have them on. Like it gives me an extra spring in my step or something.
And if you are I have on funky socks that have hearts all over em. (what! hearts never go out of style....sheeesh!)
Posted by Sarah at 11:31 AM 2 comments
Labels: socks
the basics
lets start with the basics of me,
My name is Sarah, I live in Sacramento, CA. I'm married (9 years this August), and I am a proud mommy of two boys who keep me on my toes at all times. I also work full time as a go-for for a big hospital in Sac. And by go-for I mean I do a little of this and a little of that for two supervisiors. (I like to think they are secretly fighting over me...) I have been working here since I was 19, it was my first adult job that brought in that huge pay check, and by the looks of it I will probably retire here. Its all good tho.
What do I want to get out of this blog....well that's simple. When something sparks my random mind I want somewhere to put it down. And I am going to be honest with ya happens alot. So lets hope I keep up with it. :) I will try to get another one posted later today. Maybe I will post about my actual first job....or what I blew my money on with my very first BIG paycheck...or how I secretly enjoy watching Tila Tequila...or how....
Posted by Sarah at 10:39 AM 1 comments
Labels: the basics